How Does Canada’s Startup Visa Program Work?

Mar 30, 2023

Canada’s Startup Visa Program is a government initiative that allows foreign entrepreneurs to launch their startups in Canada and become permanent residents. The program was launched in 2013 and has since helped many innovative entrepreneurs to relocate their businesses to Canada. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how the program works and what entrepreneurs need to do to apply.

Step 1: Develop a Qualifying Business Idea

The first step in applying for the Startup Visa Program is to develop a business idea that meets the IRCC eligibility criteria and the criteria of the designated organization. The business idea must be innovative, scalable, and have the potential to create jobs and growth in Canada. The business idea should also align with one of the four designated sectors: Information and Communication Technology, Clean Technology, Agriculture, or Health.

Step 2: Secure a Commitment from a Designated Organization

The next step is to secure a commitment from a designated organization that is approved to support startups under the program. These organizations include venture capital funds, angel investor groups, and business incubators. The organization must provide a letter of support to the entrepreneur, stating that they are willing to invest in the business and support its growth.

Step 3: Meet the Language Requirements

The entrepreneur must demonstrate proficiency in either English or French, Canada’s two official languages. They can do this by taking a language test and submitting their scores with their application.

Step 4: Demonstrate Sufficient Funds

The entrepreneur must demonstrate that they have sufficient funds to support themselves and their family members while they establish their business in Canada. The amount of funds required depends on the size of the family and is subject to change.

Step 5: Apply for a Startup Visa

Once the entrepreneur has met all the eligibility criteria, they can apply for a startup visa. The application is submitted online and must include all the necessary supporting documents, such as a business plan, a letter of support from a designated organization, language test scores, and proof of funds.

Step 6: Get a Temporary Work Permit

If the application is approved, the entrepreneur will be issued a temporary work permit that allows them to come to Canada to launch their business. The work permit is valid for up to one year and can be extended if necessary.

Step 7: Become a Permanent Resident

After the entrepreneur has established their business in Canada and met the requirements of the program, they can apply for permanent residency. The entrepreneur must demonstrate that their business is creating jobs and growth in Canada and that they have met the requirements of the program.


Canada’s Startup Visa Program is a great opportunity for innovative entrepreneurs to launch their startups in Canada and become permanent residents. The program provides a pathway to permanent residency, access to funding, and a supportive business environment. By following the seven steps outlined in this article, entrepreneurs can successfully apply for the program and relocate their businesses in Canada.

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